Why Dogs Always Act Like They Are Starving

It’s the same scenario every day – you feed your pup their breakfast, they devour it in ten seconds then look up at you for more. You go to sit down for your own breakfast and there they are, sitting right in front of you with those big irresistible eyes begging...

How to Better Communicate With Your Dog

Dogs have a funny way of communicating with humans. While they, of course, can’t talk to us, they are able to communicate with us in different ways – like tail wagging, barking, and more. Most of the time the communication works, but sometimes it gets lost in...

10 Perfect Pup-Approved Holiday Gifts

The house is decorated, lights adorn the neighborhood houses, and you’ve got a head start on your holiday shopping list – and yet you still feel like you’re forgetting something. Then it hits you – you haven’t gotten your furry friend a present! If you...